About Us
What We Believe:
Living Word Revival Ministries, London:
(Solid Rock Bible Church)
We Believe the Bible (that is the Old and New Testament, excluding the Apocrypha) to be the inspired, the only infallible and authoritative word of God and to be taken literally.
We Believe there is one eternal, almighty and perfect God; revealed in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We Believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miraculous ministry, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father and in His personal return in power and glory.
We Believe that man is fallen from grace and in need of salvation and this salvation is only received by the acceptance of Jesus Christ as one’s personal Saviour and Lord.
We Believe in the baptism of believers by immersion in water.
We Believe in the present day ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy life.
We Believe in the baptism of the Spirit (given to believers who ask for it) with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues.
We Believe that all mankind is subject to the death of the body as a result of original sin. The soul and spirit do not die, but immediately after death enter into a conscious state of either happiness (if born again) or misery (if not born again).
We Believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost; the saved to everlasting life in God’s glory and the lost without Christ to everlasting (conscious) punishment in the lake of fire.
We Believe in the personal, imminent return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
We Believe in the manifestation of gifts of the Holy Spirit through believers and the Offices set by God in the church.
We Believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
We Believe in the necessity of fellowshipping together as believers to edify one another as we await the rapture of the saints and the second coming of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.