Enlightenment For Change

Sometimes, people wish things could change for them (for better). Some hunger for a change of story, others hunger for a change of level (or both). The good news is that whatever change you desire is possible but you've got to have the needed raw material to make it happen.

The primary raw material for an authentic and lasting change is light. We see a practical demonstration of this truth in the book of beginnings (Genesis). When God wanted to bring a change to a chaotic situation, the first thing He called for was light - He said "Let there be light and there was light". Every other change came after that.

Spiritually also, the same is true - light is the key to change. Here, we are talking of revelation knowledge that proceeds from the word of God through the illumination of the Holy Spirit.

That is what we will be bringing you in this section. We believe that as you open your heart and allow God to minister to you through these anointed messages, your positive change is around the corner. Be richly blessed.

What To Do Not To Miss The Rapture - (Msg-1a)
Message Media Date Download Buy
If The Package Is Not Yours, Dont Sign For It - (1a) Audio Nov 9, 2021
Breaking The Barriers To Fruitfulness And Multiplication In Your Life - Part1 Audio Mar 9, 2021
New Year Msg - Walking In Higher Dimensions Audio Feb 3, 2017
Project The Light That You Have Into Your Situation Video Apr 13, 2016 N/A
Breaking Free From Where You Are To Where You Ought To Be Audio Jan 13, 2016
Praise Video Mar 3, 2015
Finding Grace Where You Need It The Most - Part 1 Audio Mar 17, 2014
Essential Keys To Restoration And Positive Turn-Around Audio Jan 7, 2014
What To Do Not To Miss The Rapture -3a Audio Dec 28, 2012
What To Do Not To Miss The Rapture -3b Audio Dec 28, 2012
What To Do Not To Miss The Rapture-Part2b Audio Nov 24, 2012
What To Do Not To Miss The Rapture-Part2a Audio Nov 24, 2012
What To Do Not To Miss The Rapture - (Msg-1a) Audio Nov 19, 2012
What To Do Not To Miss The Rapture - (Msg-1b) Audio Nov 19, 2012
What To Do Not To Miss The Rapture - (Msg-1c) Audio Nov 19, 2012
The Secret Of Receiving Answers From God - Part1 Audio Nov 16, 2012
Turning God'S Promises Into Practical Reality Audio Jun 14, 2012
Breaking Down The Barriers Audio Jun 12, 2012
Don'T Be Destabilized By The Benefits Of Ungodliness Video Jun 5, 2012
Seeking God Aright To Experience A Turn-Around Audio Jun 5, 2012
Living Life By Design And Not By Default - Part 1 Audio Nov 14, 2011
Obedience - The Blessing Activator - (A) Audio May 12, 2011
Signs Of The End - Part_1a Audio Nov 11, 2010
Breaking Down The Barriers To The Manifestation Of The Supernatural In Your Life Audio Sep 1, 2010
Your Mind - The Gateway - Part 2 Audio Jul 14, 2010
Enforcing Your Advancement Audio Jun 11, 2010
The Power Of The Little That You Have Audio May 14, 2010
The Indispensable Foundation For A Victorious Life Audio Apr 21, 2010
The Master Key To Divine Provision Audio Apr 14, 2010
Getting From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be Audio Apr 6, 2010
Your Success Is Within You - (A) Audio Mar 26, 2010
Your Mind - The Gateway - (1) Audio Mar 6, 2010

Most Downloads in this section are now offered for FREE, so help yourself!

Please note that most downloadable messages are in parts only. If you want to download the full length message, it is available for free on the Subscription Download page (simply click this link)

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