Help For Backsliders

Living a backslidden Christian life is not easy. It is a difficult, rough and hard life especially if you do not want to cut off from God completely.

Having been backslidden for six years and undergoing a slow but painful process of restoration, I have a pretty good idea of the challenges that backsliders face.

Unfortunately, there are very few materials out there that are specifically designed to help backsliders and yet there is a multitude of people who are suffering the pains and anguish of a backslidden Christian life.

It is true however, that it takes somebody who has been through this rough path to help those who are in it.

The focus of this section therefore is to reach out to backsliders and provide them the much needed help to get restored to a sound and solid walk with God. If you are a backslider and you sincerely desire to get restored, you will find this section very helpful. If you know of anyone who is backslidden, recommend them to this website. You would be helping to save a precious soul.

God\'S Heart Longs For His Backsliden Ones
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Please note that most downloadable messages are in parts only. If you want to download the full length message, it is available for free on the Subscription Download page (simply click this link)

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